Tuesday, July 3, 2012

So far, so good

From Josiah, Age 12:

I think the last meeting went great! We are working on more volunteers and creative ideas.  The ideas we came up with our good like J. and A. said that we could spell out Haven For Hope Rocks with actual rocks, I thought that would be cool. My ideas were to grow weird, rarely known plants, veggies and fruits. But the tasty kinds though, like chickpeas for humus and couscous for stir fry. So people can see that were being creative and not growing boring food. If we do pick a common food like lettuce or cabbage then we should substitute for Rapunzel (a type of lettuce/cabbage). My other ideas were to put up signs with the picture of that type of vegetable, hand drawn, not printed from Google and like a description of it and stuff. And like get earthworms to help the growth of the food. And we could paint the concrete blocks/bricks so they don’t look so plain, jazz it up a bit! I can say so far, so good.

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